eve+essex — similar artists: notes of funk records, eve essex, daddy's boy, ava mirzadegan, oof records, the poodle dog good food pup room band, Germany Germany, little mazarn x dear life records, buried in roses, total vacation, mealbreaks, h. pruz, pumpkin bread, don't let the scene go down on me!, weird paul petroskey, the fabulous truth, julia-sophie, kylie v, virvon varvon, asobi seksu x boris, bridal party, big fundamental, dead billionaires, toy camera, pen palindrome, foxx bodies, themm!, string machine, steady phase, the real dolls, meernaa, kym register + meltdown rodeo, natalie rose lebrecht, remy owen, Bathe, janelane, the real sea, radioseven, tarquin alexandra, hex symbol, brianna carmel, wiaiwya, mommy mommy, lurr, hella precious, weird paul, ben blanchard, candy says, tomorrow club, dj downfall, essex olivares, bad custer, ian drennan, jacob becker, xetas, colleen dow, the great electric,