eu's arse — similar artists: nailbomb, warfear, sludgelord, wartorn, sore throat, war ripper, perra vida, jj and the a's, spirito di lupo, 暴力装置, eu's arse, kontatto, nagasaki sunrise, disattack, eterno ritorno, scemo, hellkrusher, saw throat, hounds of war, obsessió, negazione, freedom assault, kohti tuhoa, psycotic scum, contrazione, won't stay dead, lilim, borderless countries tapes, vivisected numbskulls, psico galera, grey c.e.l.l., misanthropic minds, biblioteka, stigmathe, arrêt, abnorm, the angies, destripados, night fighter, Lumpen, bonefire, blood ties, genogeist, tuono, nisemono 偽者, kabuki love, tiger junkies, feed the wolf, personal damage, tohc83, disarmo totale, mundo primitivo, deviated instinct, poch@s, lebenden toten, consensus madness, primitive teeth,