ephemerald — similar artists: suotana, perpetual night, crepuscle, euphoreon, duskmourn, sacrificed alliance, foretoken, nahtram, far beyond, stormtide, dark oath, havamal, valtari, astralborne, brymir, hinayana, vorna, words of farewell, kaatarakt, foredoomed, malice divine, ulthima, atavistia, meadows end, undrask, mordant rapture, aetherian, ephemerald, spheron, myridian, the odious construct, suidakra, starforger, countless skies, ghosts of atlantis, berzerker legion, noumena, moonshade, black lion records, vanha, silent line, ov lustra, northwind wolves, defiatory, shadecrown, withered land, parasite inc., primalfrost, farsoth, skyfire, runeshard, sympuls-e, before the dawn, dream void, Caratucay, the devils of loudun, fallen sun,