enochian — similar artists: sunquake, cyranoi, dream void, boris the blade, zac leaser, animus complex, construct paradise, forgetting the memories, blood of the martyrs, time, the valuator, change of loyalty, the reversionist, petroglyphs, harkla, Septa, nexilva, shrezzers, lunaform, earthists., the room colored charlatan, as lions and lambs, winter's gate, bind the sacrifice, by the thousands, mentally blind, borderlands, vctms, the odious construct, the hopewell furnace, depths of hatred, assemble the chariots, hollow world, as i lay dying, the luminary, desolace, the storm picturesque, vault of valor, lies of nazca, the raven autarchy, a trust unclean, final surrender, blind oracle, karybdis, windvent, soreption, dream on dreamer, sky written, the ansible, throwdown, dreaded dale, far from earth, mycelia, brought by pain, where deprivation lies, the healing, enochian, coldharbour,