bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

dsbm+-+brazil — similar artists: lidelse, unjoy, nostalgic darkness, trauer, avoid the light, dismal suffering, freitod zeremonie, meta/mor/fos, grief/loss, fornicatus, trou noir, colorless forest, sarghnagel, empire of blood, chaoscraft, sjælekval, skendöd, todessehnsucht, like desolate like true, aleere, intig, traurigkeit, ostium, einsamtod, avsky, winter willow, funeral fog, bozhevilnyy, in sins i roam, jahve, aucun, winterblut, FASA, some happy thoughts, nebelschwaden, thromos, triebtat, sleeping peonies, broken life, withered grey, grief & bliss, apolokia, willoos, précipices, durthang, autumn's dawn, kalmankantaja, hypothermia, hvøsch, glädjekällor, korium, sapaudia, potemtum and solitude, hertless, amissa anima, i'm in a coffin, autumn laments,