dolly+valentine — similar artists: hether fortune, cherryade records, familyre christmas, the cowmen, angry snowmans, dottie, they is they is they is, toodles & the hectic pity, Phantom Handshakes, lunarette, the ornaments, japanese heart software, glixen, peach gardens, doorbells, all away lou, relay tapes, The Very Most, kid tigrrr, the starlit hues, hether fortune x cremation lily, winter is on my head, powder pink & sweet, charley stone, wybercron, Babaganouj, shoe shine six, star tropics, pretty bitter, electric needle room, 4vesta, hello june, stream the full album!, paperplain, t. g. shand, pictoria vark, the virginia planes, loud women, Fräulein, boy with apple, the heathen and the holy, atmos bloom, christmas aguilera, danielle durack, gotta groove holiday single series, frida kill, diamond day, death of heather, rilev, sleep overload, rapport, SHY NATURE, chorusgirl, polar lows, mainlight, grazer, Lightfoils,