decrapted — similar artists: creeping flesh, static abyss, serpents oath, vomit ritual, purtenance, abysmalist, necrom, abythic, eteritus, GRISLY, disfuneral, machinations of fate, temple of dread, sarvekas, shards of humanity, noxis/cavern womb, vincent crowley, deathcollectoruk, interminable corruptions, megascavenger, putrevore, kill division, famishgod, house by the cemetary, Obscenity, decrapted, horrisonous, aposento, wayward dawn, fleshworks, corrupter, kever, décryptal, repuked, battlegrave, overtorture, rotting kingdom, exsul, pale king, soulskinner, typhonian, gore brigade, to descend, carnal ghoul, invincible force, tumulation, rebaelliun, shrapnel storm, korpsesoturi, vadiat, rotheads, profane desecration, rexul, venenum, Cystic, ribspreader, depraver,