dead+arms — similar artists: thee alcoholics, lardo, shuck, gaffa bandana, orchestra of constant distress, hoaries, bushpilot, cutty's gym, mummise guns, modern technology, Clever, big lad, bruxa maria, objections, pious faults, burning axis, this is wreckage, asbestos worker, blacklisters, men with chips, multicult, the mute servants, Buzz Rodeo, workin' man noise unit, casual nun, sick head, bloody head, garbage disposal union, cavalier song, wrong speed records, cuntz, negative gears, fucking, trvss, trigger cut disaster relief, henry blacker, usa nails, bbigpigg, work party, dead arms, bruges, whep, white drugs, concrete lawn, steve gullick, wellwater conspiracy, the ghost is clear records, bilge pump, warm red, all structures align, tomoyuki trio, $un $keletons, the austerity program, luminous bodies, moon pussy, mod vigil, rainbow grave,