dan+webb+and+the+spiders — similar artists: the jeffrey lee pierce sessions project, f*cking angry, moonrite, the bloodtypes, noseholes, hyäne, puhelinseksi, notgemeinschaft peter pan, life fucker, state funeral, pogendroblem, impfmuffel, sabré, the templars, grail guard, new science projects, bird berlin, paulinchen brennt, angerboys, halb aus plastik, iedereen, die deislers, pershing boys, marode, stulle, young skulls, primitive hands, schlecht, the runts, orreaga 778, resistenz '32, the renegades of punk, streit, condor mirador, mike ständer band, dan webb and the spiders, schmodder, val sinestra, disaster strikes, pat butcher, blind butcher, robinson krause, the dead end kids, dead raze, fuchsbau, mercedes jens, frustwut, hass auf alles, bundles, radio schizo, rakete fehlstart, rilrec family, krawehl, granulat, panzerband, hc baxxter, arse,