dachise — similar artists: ouest, skeletons out, stelzer/talbot/rawlings, grivas/zioutos/malevitsis, drive the pieces together, Howard Stelzer, vox 231, hs, human head transplant, zoviet france, tibetan red, puzleboy, stelzer/murray, mireille kyrou, klood, jason talbot, melinoe, abstract audio systems, daniele ciullini, k2 - k. kusafuka, breaks the blank day, bonechurch, dachise, doc wör mirrran, michael prime, ewald spiss, staruha mha, stelzer, the cherry point, alien vegan sect, æƒv, tim albro, abner malaty, maybe mental, hugh gable, the insect worship collective, la sonorité jaune, deaf lions, prize fuckup, mandible chatter, violent onsen geisha, host to infinity, the lynch project, j.frede, mitchell brown, dovahkiief, alix cain, westerhalf, osiris module, francesco aprile, king ebu, and tom burris, kaiser nietzsche, joan krawford fan club, h-razor.404, michaela koran, screwicide,