bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

creepoid — similar artists: creepoid, trementina, spotlight kid, the casket girls, lemondaze, casket girls, dreamend, visiting diplomats, 4vesta, Lightfoils, graveface records & curiosities, precocious neophyte, the beremy jets, shouldies, relay tapes, shoe shine six, this bike is a pipe bomb, the daysleepers, rilev, defiance ohio, walter schreifels, hospital ships, peach gardens, miniatures, the marshmallow ghosts, monster movie, the lava children, oeil, holy drone, prepare my glider, the churchhill garden, polar lows, Star Horse, pliocene, plaque marks, stardeath, white dwarfs, the blue herons, haley bonar, soon, she said, burning house, genocide pact, citrus clouds, goodbye ranger, youth in bloom, 93millionmilesfromthesun, nossiennes, t. g. shand, Tropical Fuck Storm, bummerville, slow glows, the stargazer lilies, lavender blush, presents for sally, eye flys, modern life is war, combat wounded veteran,