crashfaster — similar artists: crashfaster, warez waldo, bit crushed, MONODEER, nmlstyl, for astronauts and satellites, bryface, chipocrite, stagediver, cerror, doomcloud, hexadeci, skip cloud, nullsleep, dispyz, boaconstructor, ap0c, xylo, chrome cobra, cheap dinosaurs, L-tron, glenntai, 8-bit operators, oxygenstar, super madnes, Breakbeat Heartbeat 🥀, Telefuture, monomatt, unicorn dream attack, bright primate, business pastel, chema64, black lines, din sky, awkward terrible, the glowing stars, yes, mayhem, syphus, starpause, dboyd, Cyanide Dansen, ultrasyd, awesome force, space boyfriend, the flight away, tsc, chiptunes4autism, dogsplusplus, xyce, brick brker, wizwars, defiant systems, DEFENSE MECHANISM, din sky, striplicker, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, chip for cancer, bleeplove,