cottonwood+firing+squad — similar artists: cottonwood firing squad, soft cough, rescuer, death of a nation, the past haunts, aficionado, wharf rats, mary wander, disco inc., battle lines, king and queen of the losers, the tapeworms, fredo disco, daisyhead, monument to thieves, haily taylor, lilac queen, Balance and Composure, muskets, no better, atlantic/pacific, happy doghouse, nathan ellis, drew thomson, middle distance, our american cousin, barelyon, the fire the flood, slow bloom, stay ahead of the weather, st. terrible, turnaways, digital eulogy, Feng Suave, No_Sleep, spring offensive, able baker fox, annie jump cannon, run forever, alistair hennessey, valeska suratt, common sage, night beach, viva belgrado, phoenix bodies, pretty normal, circus boy, julia louise, tall grandma, lure in, kupla x j'san, unturned, blast beat bicycle club, early graves, raein, Inbetween, major league,