corde+oblique — similar artists: corde oblique, hoggwash, rick miller, antony kalugin, SUNCHILD, karfagen, lupercalia, inner prospekt, professor tip top, hats off gentlemen it's adequate, la bocca della verità, verbal delirium, fractal mirror, monarch trail, k'mono, stone rebel, on the raw, sylvain auclair, antony kalugin`s kinematics orchestra, the far meadow, amoeba split, submarine silence, moon halo, drifting sun, John Holden, three colours dark, evership, swan chorus, stuckfish, the bardic depths, infringement, materialeyes, legacy pilots, sel balamir, anton belov, the lost vision of the chandoo priest, jonas lindberg & the other side, nicki jaine, dropshard, graeme murray, isproject, the psychedelic ensemble, the kentish spires, phoenix again, laura meade, asia minor,, ovrfwrd, cosmograf, fren, gandalf's fist, kotebel, l'albero del veleno, the adekaem, parallel or 90 degrees, returned to the earth, thieves' kitchen,