bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

control+test — similar artists: control test, exxxon, cexcrime, hick tracy, bad anxiety, motor corp, true sons of thunder, self-inflict, ztuped, convenience, theee retail simps, belly jelly, necro heads, in-valid, itchy self, PRIVATE ROOM, lebenden toten, curleys, suck lords, insane urge, white wards, glycerol, rashōmon, sorry state records, glittering insects, alien nosejob, r. clown, reek minds, ill globo, acrylics, research reactor corp., slices, slimex, society nurse, c57bl/6, the soul patrol, porno glows, zenomorph, big jar of mayo, his fists, the clue, woodstock 99, vivisected numbskulls, foil/sylvie s, personal damage, the gobs, z-pak, sanitizers, credit bureau, spyroids, primitive fucking ballers, clarko, toxic state records, kontaminate, invertebrates, hüstler, por090,