consider+suicide — similar artists: consider suicide, hypothermia, trauer, intig, kall, psychonaut 4, aardling, a symphony to the void, grief/loss, nostalgic darkness, vanhelga, unjoy, vodka vtraiom, lidelse, meta/mor/fos, glädjekällor, traurigkeit, freitod zeremonie, avoid the light, trou noir, sarghnagel, chaoscraft, ter ziele, colorless forest, bræ, dismal suffering, todessehnsucht, the penitent, ahephaïm, s caedes, fornicatus, empire of blood, imber luminis, sjælekval, like desolate like true, sadness/soulless/in autumnus/grief, aleere, and end..., woods of infinity, déhà, this mortal night, avsky, bròn, skendöd, the lost sun, sorrow plagues, sainte marie des loups, eskapi, funeral fog, csejthe, sinister downfall, obseqvies, blurr thrower, FASA, araphel, aucun, winterblut,