colour+red — similar artists: countryman, skari, vivian 'yabby you' jackson, hornin' all star, ruddy symbol, zabandis, phil pratt, loïc paulin, high times players, power dread, robert dalls, the ralph brothers, the termites, Wes Brooks, Higher Meditation, sound iration, DubVision, lion roering, frankie jones, sylvan white, fazal prendergast, junior byles, lone ark meets the 18th parallel, the prophets, the 18th parallel, abakush, ruff stereo records, joe yorke & stand high patrol, gorgon sound, african star, pressure sounds, twoplusone, carl bert, time unlimited, paul whiteman, jimmy riley, bobby kalphat, the mighty threes, ras zehm, joss taffari, nia songbird, tommy mccook, patrick andy/yabby you, junior brown, lloyd charmers, The Upsetters, jah lloyd, Monyaka, truth and vibes, papa stone, philip fullwood, lloyd parks, the aggrovators, mene man, laxton ford, diggory kenrick, trevor roots,