collins/hope/infanti — similar artists: exploding mind, pete hope, collins/hope/infanti, wrong revolution, pete hope's exploding mind, criminal face, ph2, heavy electricity, p. hope, duolant, ex.mind, peter hope, the mistoids, the central office of information, fisty kendal, transient visitor, ben winter, mudd corp, not now, hope/collins, invisible illusion, hope jasnoch redundant realities, aum taeppers, woodford halse, pete hope/noscene, jed st christopher, pulsliebhaber, the incidental crack, peter hoggarth, dogs versus shadows, shangri-lies, kieran mahon, giants of discovery, the home current, allan murphy, sussex telecom, werra foxma records, david louis zuckerman, blank disco, subexotic records, maya hardinge, aural design, botex spykidelic, photophobik, bizarre statue, schmitz, niebuhr, the bone orchestra, cinecenta, the nocturnal emissions, polypores subscription, the library of the occult electronic orchestra, Hope, omega institute, la french, wrong signals, depomelan,