bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

code+error — similar artists: code error, gcbt records, beasters, organ dealer, deliriant nerve, monnier, shock withdrawal, kill the client, rotten sound, gets worse, retortion terror, crowpath, wvrm, hivesmasher, priapus, maruta, nightkin, secret cutter, agents of abhorrence, kriegshög, makkmat, absolute power, world i hate, retortion terror [split], burial oath, kill division, narakah, crypt hammer, gendo ikari, sayyadina, die choking, sex prisoner, guilt dispenser, disapprove, rashōmon, fell ruin, shinda saibo no katamari, wolfbeast destroyer, writhing mass, assück, murder construct, stomach earth, circle of dead children, afgrund (swe/fin), dreadeye, visions of fuckin war, voidhanger, dödläge, callofthevoid, wretched fuck, moral void, feastem, xbrainiax, blight worms, formless master, warfuck, moisturizer,