bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

citalopram+shunyata — similar artists: depravar, scatmother, autoerotichrist, positron emission tomography, torture battalion, heretic grail, scatmother/chaos cascade, rotat, nihil doctrine, pissoir rouge, operation cleansweep, jesuve, hymenal opening, black leather jesus/straight panic, barren column, swollen gargantuan fecal fetus records, yellow gas flames, wounded son, human tide, interracial sex, illegal entry, extermination order, rearing of silkworms, forced trauma, linekraft, prostitutes of the 19th century, sodomy from beyond, new york ripper, tourist gaze, fresh bait, rxaxpxe, and rapace, vincent dallas, törnekrona, detrimental effect, k2 - k. kusafuka, fentanyl fantasy, jumping tiger, moozzhead, prayer rope/willows, forests of brittany, womb11, hideri kanzaki, dsmiii, penetration squadron, huiskamerhorror, hollow men, chaos cascade/rxaxpxe, last rape, femeheim, perfume of the lady in black, manianoise, the black maghreb, opaque/scarlet diva, xenobortion, painful bloom, thresherman,