chip+jockey — similar artists: curlwond, algorithm dude, ELYSIAN TUNES, kouyou, bzzt, astro the fox, curlwond x kouyou, six ton dog, smoke x no_id, bit crushed, warez waldo, Cyanide Dansen, chiptunes4autism, oxygenstar, Vault Kid, Tobokegao, ultrasyd, thronocrigger, chrome cobra, doomcloud, dogsplusplus, a state of sugar, business pastel, 3xblast, a bit of chiptune, Game Genie Sokolov, techno mage, holographic catholic, Breakbeat Heartbeat 🥀, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, noid, fantôme à rayures, bleeplove, my two robodads, bryface, steady c, astro sound engine, tuxic, Laffe the Fox, DEFENSE MECHANISM, oskill8, dexter basson, silent bomber, hekta!, foxhide, run! run! jump! punch!, moonlight ravers, laamaa, rubrk, 3d63, leiss, Je Mappelle, dope basson, dìyù, bendelic freaks, pouale, hexosphere,