child's pose — similar artists: child's pose, dotx3, sniffany, cleta patra records, brick head, display homes, table sugar, the nits, lime crush, the darling buds, dumspell, cb radio gorgeous, wet dip, blank statements, blonde revolver, feeling figures, fake last name, star party, debt rag, jj ulius, hysteric polemix, mope grooves, blowdryer, mr. teenage, artsick, naked roommate, added dimensions, the gabys, destructos, stiff love, carnations, tuff enuff records, theee retail simps, speed stick, narrow adventure, negative gears, water machine, the scissor girls, non plus temps, scrap brain, pineapple rnr, virvon varvon, WOOLF, garbage disposal union, privacy issues, good throb, all hits, hash redactor, the gobs, andy human & the reptoids, cochonne, warm red, current affairs, cel ray, razorbumps, glaas, guardian singles,