cheap+shot — similar artists: MONODEER, warez waldo, chrome cobra, nullsleep, ultrasyd, boaconstructor, doomcloud, nnnnnnnnnn, cymba, business pastel, dboyd, L-tron, truthr, for astronauts and satellites, harleylikesmusic, hexadeci, bit crushed, little-scale, bryface, oxygenstar, stagediver, Cyanide Dansen, dr. von pnok, dispyz, gesceap, chipocrite, hizmi, nmlstyl, chema64, cheapshot, local t, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, 2a0x, black lines, din sky, DEFENSE MECHANISM, chiptunes4autism, silent bomber, bleeplove, storm blooper, 2xaa, brick brker, trey frey, guérin, my two robodads, g l o o m s, steady c, din sky, talk to animals, monomatt, little sound assembly, crashfaster, chip for cancer, glenntai, tsc, hypnogram, Tobokegao, overdrive alliance,