charles+mansfield — similar artists: La+ch, lach hosts the best of the edinburgh fringe festival 2011, performed live by jude kastle, corey laitman, proper id, the new restaurants, current ex, charles mansfield, shred city presents, weaklung, bobby jealousy, rowan katz, kung fu crimewave, troll 2, little cobweb, phoebe kreutz, brother machine, horra, the woes, super pop records, comfort cat, norton antivirus, a deer a horse, jo kroger, rebecca florence, jagged leaves, rayvon browne, prewar yardsale, the peregrine effect, katie skare, frank olson twins, the sunday colors, terror at space camp, dots will echo, cal folger day, brook pridemore, howth, frank hoier, robot princess, semi-automatik, la sudar, the traveling show, tiger knee, morgan heringer, jen fischer, the come on, duckspeak, joe yoga, Roarke Menzies, bully mammoth, el silver cabs, the sharp shadows, the reputations, i love you collective, cat palace, true dreams, totally real records,