chapel+perilous — similar artists: msrblflr, barús, salqiu, atrate, nirrti, mnajdra, voidescent, summer haze '99, 0-nun, tàmailt, legion of wolves, lvme, empyrean vessel, sum lights, cave sermon, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, anguine, nahasheol, alkymist (can), crangonyx, phantom fire, uamh, angelblast, earthen altar, lágrimas, greyfleshtethered, lev'myr, namebearer, iarmhairt, sjöhäxan, gwenwyn, black pyre, feast of the witch, electrick hobbit, magicide, jocund forest, transcending rites, nighthorde, bergfried, wind cathedral, sodb, lunastus, gravenchalice, hecatoncheir, hircine, skythala, beyond the grasp of light, voidthrone, naesea, serpents oath, botanic vendor, serpent column, sacred noose, vitalith, voar bòcan, fiadh productions, heremita,