chants+of+the+dilapidated — similar artists: k2 - k. kusafuka, breathe heavy, he's addled, he wields a sword, michaela koran, but alas, mitchell brown, screwicide, arnold mathes, and tom burris, alix cain, katznoise, particle abductor, francesco aprile, joan krawford fan club, depravar, not 1/2, westerhalf, chet green, king ebu, spiral tanks, the pale moon, devi's augur, collectif incertain, deaf lions, kultur operating penis, abner malaty, max julian eastman, von hoffmannstahl, solomonoff, lunus, bestattungsinstitut, beheading x knifedoutofexistence, eleleth, golgotha toll, ashen bloom, skjalfti, glaives of ire, active denial, slit throats/playworker, the viennese aktionists, greying snout, hooded jumper, agog, autoerotichrist, aspirale, croque mort, maltreatment, swollen gargantuan fecal fetus records, rölling stëins, barren column, josh landes/sore dream, painful bloom, argiope, carrion sunflower, human tide, total sweetheart,