caural — similar artists: don muro, LIL UGLY MANE, sons of magdalene, via vegrandis, ihvh, good glass records, ghostwerk x ilkae, prayer breakfast, milian mori, lsd and the search for god, tusken raiders, breakmaster cylinder, vudmurk, dim grimm, vic berger iv, Caural, mystery tapes etc., 4rd, resistance revival chorus, demiurge jap, serhal, jake slazenger, leejay jortlett, jon hancuff, junior high, thunder lightning, toutant, dale krugler, the missing felicitys, dale kruegler, shawn kemp, supasortahuman x shawn kemp, mary houlihan, MICK FOLEY, Kieran Hebden, the badger theater answering machine, sillas famosas recordings, qubinoix, terry funk, all energy must continue upward, thermos grenadine, palais schaumburg, jacques tati, aus, ametsub, miyauchi yûri, plaza hotel, austin musicians for transformative justice, new terrors, hisato higuchi 樋口寿人, Dabrye, superstar cruiser, principal participant, frank schweikhardt, general speech, melati esp, plunderphonics, away forward, frost jockey,