cassidy+civet — similar artists: fox amoore, rchetype, pepper coyote, tonya song, look left, r u s s e l b u c k, cassidy civet, as seas exhale, wolfgun, anthemics, peppers, runtt, Tenkitsune, ♥ GOJII ♥, PLASMA CUTTER, yonkagor, june lalonde, polite fiction, Avian Invasion, super powered yaks, ambersun, the game brass, kennyoung, NIIC, walking dog, audiodile, Rare Americans, gamegrooves, khaliber, ASTRO☆PUP, ashley ninelives, scuttlefuzz, for all, jamievx, the lazy tails, whsprs, thespackster, russelbuck,♥ gojii ♥, foxes!, dj good, evil dj, shadyvox, alabaster sons, husky in denial, i've made too much pasta, status ferret, gabuislost, albion-tharotia, exit mouse, jonathan young, bandit the raccoon, fons the bun, david wojciechowski, snuffles, itty bitty midi committee, baxxter & burr, divine dragon cannon,