captain+crimson — similar artists: lord montague, wiser fool, his masters voice - the devils blues, dryasdust, the dirty earth, blues funeral, doublestone, stone cadaver, gorgantherron, the archaic revival, lord fowl, the moonshine brand, the gentlemen bastards, scaevola's fire, clan, libido fuzz, skånska mord, shellfin, cult of sorrow, seven planets, the socks, the judge, bison machine, red spektor, parasol caravan, great rift, leather nun america, lizard queen, svartanatt, blue black hours, black thai, spirit division, sonic mass, disrule, rollin' dice, wizard eye, prophets of saturn, chief of smoke, monsternaut, godhead lizard, green desert water, captain crimson, second grave, soul thief, indica blues, the acid guide service, stone cream, sahara surfers, hair of the dog, doomicidal, monocle stache, mount soma, orango, heavy stone, stoned cobra, spiral shades, the golden grass,