cantodea+dianthus — similar artists: v.c.h., aiaa7, blitzar iv, ftpsia, cora's heart, micarlla ii, fotopsia, a za solncem luna.../ saħħar, the last days, oblivion castle, persephone's legacy, ecmenesia, entität, d'encontro ao mar, cantodea dianthus, a. yólotl, oculi melancholiarum, sáasil, v1ctor1a c.h., careus, luna pythonissam, calypte anna, lacrimal, gaktungar, dark east productions, cult of vampyrism, godcider, svart runar, shuja, summer haze '99, black tar riderzz, legion of wolves, lebensabend, asmodey, uamh, lev'myr, sjöhäxan, naesea, psychosis 4.48, hircine, tàmailt, book of sorrow, lágrimas, crangonyx, greyfleshtethered, earthen altar, stygian love, nighthorde, gwenwyn, wind cathedral, jocund forest, iarmhairt, goatvermin, electrick hobbit, feast of the witch, godhater, neverending sadness,