burial+invocation — similar artists: kever, abysmalist, invincible force, décryptal, ritual necromancy, venenum, exsul, sempiternal dusk, exaugurate, phobocosm, oreamnos, Cystic, inverloch, vorum, metaphobic, perihelion gnosis, vadiat, desolate shrine, rattenfänger, gutvoid, concilivm, purtenance, ensnared, tumulation, regurgitated guts, reverence to paroxysm, crypts of despair, horrisonous, rottrevore, degial, shards of humanity, extremity, dire omen, Innumerable Forms, burial invocation, crimson relic, noxis/cavern womb, nex carnis, paingiver, had, chaotian, shed the skin, angel morgue, scorched, severed boy, carnal ruin, last sacrament, putrisect, lie in ruins, cadaveribus, blood spore, congealed putrescence, vrenth, carcinoid, decaying crypt, vasaeleth, shapeless being,