bulletbelt — similar artists: bulletbelt, exalter, untimely demise, space chaser, forced neglect, necropanther, comaniac, mega colossus, killing, antipeewee, astralborne, hidden intent, temple of dread, devils reef, shards of humanity, dark divinity, toxic ruin, spectrum of delusion, chemicide, world decay, deathmole, planet of the dead, refore, angerot, soreption, geoda, antiverse, project pain, scorn of creation, harlott, denouncement pyre, siege of power, deathblow, hellraizerr, devastruction, POLYPTYCH, owlripper recordings, toxic carnage, riffobia, mental slavery, crisix, before the dawn, black harvest, bastardizer, expain, blessed curse, necrokinesis, end boss, ormskrik, suppressive fire, warning sign, violent sin, the house of capricorn, the bleeding, morbid cross, exordium mors, mordant rapture,