brainworlds — similar artists: starbirthed, ash brooks, flower room, ml wah, tonal cosmology, matt lajoie, curious margie, herbcraft, richard youngs (vhf), witches broom, cursillistas, thick air, vibracathedral orchestra, xenis emputae travelling band, richard youngs and simon wickham-smith, jesse sparhawk & eric carbonara, astral social club (vhf), sunroof!/richard youngs/vibracathedral orchestra, j g wright, dire wolves absolutely perfect brothers band, H E R B, alex neilson, endless caverns, lajoie, pelt, dozethrone, black twig pickers (vhf), matthew bower, fern knight (vhf), matt "mv" valentine, just exactly perfect sisters band, dwlvs, h. usui, wingtip sloat, the pneumatic consort, loincloth, peter cora, SEAL TEAM 666, melting paraiso u.f.o, sunroof!/vibracathedral orchestra, the heavy lidders, tendon levey, dire wolves just exactly perfect sisters band, in her rotten cheek, james doesn't exist, hibushibire秘部痺れ, ultracide, oscillation overthruster, phil legard, ultimate bastard, pikacyu * makoto, yokozuna-bot, junzo suzuki, expo '70, jani hellén, xenis emputae, sunroof!,