borehole — similar artists: xenis emputae travelling band, the pneumatic consort, peter cora, phil legard, johann wlight, the neon death slittes, xenis emputae, simon bradley, layla legard, jani hellén, sulis noctis, hawthonn, pronounced "pentalpha", polyorchard, jettenbach, lloret salvatge, good friend electric, dr stewart, mates mates, lights in pairs, yorkshire riffer, galletarecords, cbrpnk.snd, eva kierten, germà aire, templeofthecat, volcano kings, ohios, acoxaca, regalim, elizabeth cottern, bornwithhair, lexic task, lynette sandholm evvers, the mellowdees, FarFromYourSun, itdreamedtome, the remakquels, chord slut, zumbido llampec, bargain noise, big pal, big moose manholington, the wooly mirror, feed the multiverse, oefn, not gary, the penitential station, 1 in five, names are violent, steel tormentor, frish prence, black distortion, biel blancafort, nothingverse, aaaaa, tepe gawra,