bob+marinelli — similar artists: yellow gas flames, empty dna, wounded son, jumping tiger, veteran 23, half mortal, raging october, december magic, dust belt, christian cosmos, garden-watcher, sunken ship meathooks, autoerotichrist, van gogh torments, detonation day, eroticism, various algorithms, bob marinelli, the skullchair, the pale newspaper, murder machine, green lawnmower blood, meat locker, various affidavits, barbie doll in red ink, silver bullet, concrete violin, dsmiii, rogue state, punksploitation, failing lights, angel of murder suicide, linekraft, dave gilden, abfall/prurient, powdered beatles/meat locker, jackson-pratt, violent onsen geisha, moonbeam terror, masonna, richard ramirez/eroticism, atrax morgue, anzak, Prurient, inferior passions, skin crime, climax alpha, crawl of time, vincent dallas, moral extrication, geography of hell, destruction wolf robot, alberich/final, liziuz, final solution, dead body love, white shamrock,