boatman's toll — similar artists: boatman's toll, alcool, bro jovi, mother's tomb, nailblack - envied, estuarine, graven maul, flood peak, owlcrusher, heretic execution, tombtoker, burial temple, curse of denial, mendacium, hellraizerr, deorc absis, angel morgue, oreamnos, farsoth, the black sorcery, profane desecration, ire wolves, disrule, morbid cross, obturate, cauterization, redefining darkness, seeing red records, in shadows and dust, cathari, degraey, empty throne, six of swords, crucified mortals, vintage warlords, hatemonger, burn the mankind, abyssal forest, boghaunter, infected cells, queiron, maladie, armagedom, açoite, devastação sob terror, ossuario, the black swamp, requiem's sathana, deathslaüghter, extermínio, magnatar, movarbru, exterminate, botis, cianeto discos, faces of the bog, humanity defiled,