blystex — similar artists: blystex, pink thing, body pressure, personal damage, perra vida, arrêt, nandas, larma, Lumpen, product lust, farmaco, concrete lawn, white wards, exotica, suck lords, petite, pryss, rats in the wall, misanthropic minds, razorbumps, khiis, sick head, primitive teeth, vivisected numbskulls, ex-diel, criaturas, gumming, dauðyflin, slices, mujeres podridas, blazing eye, exxxon, hounds of war, haircut, dotx3, stiff love, plastics, forra, cadaver em transe, soakie, the landlords, product kf, pandemix, ekebuba, spotting, blood ties, ztuped, invertebrates, society nurse, glaas, lebenden toten, insane urge, excuse 17, mundo primitivo, stunted youth, pentas, night witch,