blowfly+saint — similar artists: thistle group, the garbage and the flowers, private anarchy, k-group, blank statements, alex macfarlane, the garbage, nz/us, birchville cat motel, campbell james kneale, youngs, campbell kneale, our love will destroy the world, it hurts, usurabi, 1/3 octave band, wingtip sloat, oksun ox, olumpus, erika elder, kiyoharu kuwayama, tim cornelius, alastair galbraith, the kiwi animal, 500mg, nz/jpn, jj ulius, michael morley, golden vomit, pocahaunted, eight point star, blowfly saint, matt valentine, teen haters, birdcatcher, greg malcolm, sunset temples, OMIT, ghq, mikey young, bill direen/bilders, black boned angel, stelzer/murray, prairie dog flesh, black twig pickers (vhf), vibracathedral orchestra, vanishing voice, deep & meaningful, emma johnston, a handful of dust, the baird sisters, shūko no omit, max kohane, sarin smoke, komare, julian bradley, pelt,