bleeding+through — similar artists: dream void, make them suffer, depths of hatred, beneath the massacre, assemble the chariots, decrepit birth, 100 demons, evile, planes mistaken for stars, the breathing process, it dies today, as i lay dying, nicolas cage fighter, alluvial, throwdown, Hatebreed, soreption, Revocation, with honor, bleeding through, madball, aeons of corruption, misery signals, animus complex, Get The Shot, Septa, a wake in providence, hopesfall, all hail the yeti, boris the blade, hollow front, Stick To Your Guns, August Burns Red, Parkway Drive, the ember, the ash, Eighteen Visions, the hopewell furnace, the odious construct, miss may i, demon king, Austrian Death Machine, exocrine, harkla, apogean, better lovers, severed savior, despite exile, cannibal grandpa, zac leaser, the last ten seconds of life, carrion vael, aegaeon, sal3m, the reversionist, legion of the damned, dehumanized, nexilva,