blasphemer — similar artists: voracity, impulsive gluttony, crud, funerus, Egregious, orgiastic rebirth, slaves of suffering, decomposition of humanity, interminable corruptions, metalhit, vermingod, gurglectomy, sentenced to dissection, embodiment of suffering, graveland, heavy lies the crown, murder made god, guttural secrete, total despair, Necrotorture, nastrond, decimated humans, epileptic shit, lethality, flesh consumed, corpseflesh, miasmal, cobalt 60, pathologically explicit, begging for incest, coprobaptized cunthunter, bowel leakage, deathronation, corpus mortale, acranius, incestuous impregnation, indecency, dying out flame, birth through gore, deathraiser, down from the wound, colosseum, ferocity, carnivore diprosopus, infernal revulsion, mangled atrocity, perforated limb, prostitute disfigurement, abysmal torment, cytoparasitic, carnal abhorrence, desecrecy, nahar, byonoisegenerator, martyrvore, sig:a:tyr, pestilectomy,