big+sun — similar artists: soul thief, limestone whale, the space spectrum, animal bizarre, great rift, godhead lizard, seven planets, highbernation, blues funeral, the spacious mind, navajo witch, blackwitch pudding, fool magician, willow child, jerky dirt, yagow, spirit division, laser destroyer team, doomicidal, karakorum, petyr, hypnos 69, astral son, mount soma, parasol caravan, centralstödet, morganthus, zofff, the moonshine brand, deep space destructors, madmess, psychic dose, bentrees, indus valley kings, fuzznation, stone cadaver, smoke mountain, john hoyles, blue black hours, break the bans, from the ages, holy mushroom, domboshawa, sunczar, cult of sorrow, zubzub, scuzzy yeti, black moon circle, tia carrera, electric pussy, freebase hyperspace, tuna de tierra, sonic mass, dustrider, intouch, lunar grave, sophie´s earthquake,