beach+riot — similar artists: all away lou, soot sprite, cosmit, false advertising, bruising, for the sake of tapes, yr poetry, yr friends, lemondaze, beach riot, anorak patch, just blankets, ghum, lande hekt, cheerbleederz, daiistar, peaness, shit present, supermilk, fortitude valley, cherym, toodles & the hectic pity, gender roles, Alcopop! Records, purs, specialist subject records, the empty page, Don't Worry, total luck, squiggles, charmpit, atmos bloom, misfortune cookie, dogeyed, woahnows, kills birds, jetstream pony, pale blue eyes, Estrons, werecats, liines, relay tapes, live, do nothing, milk crimes, bangers, nathy sg, Francis of Delirium, peach gardens, shoe shine six, haybaby, loud women, glixen, pit pony, 4vesta, t. g. shand, futureheaven, neurotic fiction,