bcvhs — similar artists: m.k. khan, strike eagle, Roxi Drive, thorisson, feat.juno dreams, réno, Gab Manette, jetfire prime, knight sabers, splash '96, xennon, advection stride, ZXSP, the state of synth, see thomas howl, midnight fury, Dimi Kaye, bt-84, lightspear, SkelOne, nostalgikid, ghosthost, Michael Weber, Gemwave, STRAPLOCKED, soundengine, Stratford Ct., CoolAm7, neon arcadia, alpiine, vic-20, Beckett., Red Soda, virtual intelligence, KILLSTARR, bob haro, the nightcomers, C Z A R I N A, cffndrggr, francis hacienda, novus ordo seclorum, west palm beats, ivy mike, primo the alien, actrazer, sharlee, the knee-hi's, Miles Matrix, dhastron, glitterwolf, ian alex mac, grimlow., skyyamaha, jacket., Sheaf, cottage cult, yachts on fire,