bass+drum+of+death — similar artists: BASS DRUM OF DEATH, gee tee vee, goodbye boozy digital, c.p.r. doll, theee retail simps, true sons of thunder, the pissers, thee almighty handclaps!, shitbots, th' losin streaks, phil & the tiles, the primate five vs the traditional fools, control freaks, shitbots ceo, yagow, thee artificial rejects, tv's daniel, okie dokie, Eve 6, shadowy men on a shadowy planet, beatniks, zoids, the flying eyes, prettiest eyes, lamictal, guardian singles, nolimit, silicon hearbeat, B£AU, dd deth, haunted george, zondar, the surfrajettes, mambo kids, belly jelly, smalltown tigers, milk lines, the shit stains, qinqs, country westerns, the local news, tv repairman, the nude party, wayne pain, porno empire, manateees, the bobby lees, luxury rides, Nots, the reatards, sagger, the ugly kings, meatbodies, antarctigo vespucci, not moving l.t.d., the moonhearts, lisa beat e i bugiardi,