bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

barghest — similar artists: pale chalice, barghest/false, the cancer conspiracy, barghest, a scanner darkly, black arrows of filth, heller mason, crossing the atlantic, lake of violet, mutilation rites, fell voices, fórn, bastard sapling, ...of sinking ships, eigenlicht, ash borer/fell voices, grimcvlt, implodes, sea of bones, waal, vasaeleth, igatsus, void ritual, impavida, nexul, pillars of crucifixion, pale shroud, vorum, slutvomit, horrisonous, dead in the manger, weltesser, mo'ynoq, bog of the infidel, mendacium, hivelords, the paper chase, svadilfare, witchrist, Anicon, coldfells, leucosis, ellorsith/mannveira, gravecode nebula, eye of nix, himelvaruwe, rites of thy degringolade, voidnaga, lebensnacht, angelcorpse, void wraith, belus, tyrannosorceress, stoic dissention, antiversum, cavernlight, ustalost,