bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

back+door+to+asylum — similar artists: iconic vivisect, dawn of dementia, leprous divinity, endless affliction, oral fistfuck, the overmind, kossuth, brought by pain, the hopewell furnace, xenomorphic contamination, drain of impurity, decimated humans, lever of archimedes, the partisan turbine, human vivisection, maggot colony, unflesh, iniquitous deeds, virial, begging for incest, involuntary convulsion, samskarasmetal, pronostic, virulency, abhorrent castigation, abnormity, solus ex inferis, proliferation, desecravity, fractalline, unmerciful, dream void, the odious construct, regurgitate life, abysmal torment, chaos inception, guttural secrete, interminable corruptions, inhuman remnants, ashen light, zac leaser, charnel, ominous ruin, wastewalker, necromorphic irruption, acephala, cognizance, dark matter secret, cryptic enslavement, inherit disease, where deprivation lies, severed savior, derogation, impulsive gluttony, slaughter brute, obsolete incarnation, unbirth,