axe+to+the+face — similar artists: world of joy, mercy blow, crush the demoniac, noisebazooka, tossed aside, moisturizer, fake meat, SEAL TEAM 666, guilt dispenser, makkmat, in her rotten cheek, winnerz circle, james doesn't exist, konsensus, oscillation overthruster, ultimate bastard, yokozuna-bot, ultracide, japanese torture comedy hour, zenseiderz, dj nevermind, no gang colors, merked, shitbrains, marion barry, sinister feeling, axe to the face, organ dealer, slavedriver, s.t.d.f.n., p.wrecks, siamese royalty, thirsting for men, orgone accumulators, black leather cop, talib aziiz, blotter acid eucharist, neil bloem, kuntpuncher, inerds, diseksa, sufferinfuck, bestower, blind faith, latest god, empower, pure instinct, snagg, frozen over, xlairx, upperground, life's fate, dead kelly, starvation/negative reinforcement, clandestine ad, life lair regret records, hornetz nest,