bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

auxiliary+mammals — similar artists: lardo, hoaries, asbestos worker, multicult, poino, bbigpigg, cellos, trigger cut, blacklisters, Clever, paper mice, dog faced hermans, cutty's gym, skryptor, glose, bilge pump, grand ulena, the ghost is clear records, men with chips, still / form, meatwound, the powder room, biting tongues, meditations in affinity, the austerity program, sinking suns, infinity land, brown angel, season to risk, Buzz Rodeo, this is wreckage, civil elegies, menfolk, tongue party, warm red, mast year, bin licker, power-take-off, mount shasta, usssy, conan neutron & the secret friends, tgic recs, virginia creep, moon pussy, gorge trio, pressed, auxiliary mammals, baños y baños, lady piss, pants exploder, VAZ, bronson arm, war brides, lake of dracula, tijuana hercules, new brutalism, radon chong,