auxes — similar artists: auxes, police teeth, amanda woodward, super unison, cousin brian, slow bloom, stalled minds, goose mother, walls of dada, sleepytime trio, Ampere, megachurch, schedule 1, usui:yoichi, diastereomer, cut teeth, fluf, retox, suzanne doucet, aficionado, skeletonwitch, field designer, arrotzak, forgotten ghost, fin fang foom, old coke, daisyhead, social haul, disaster fantasy, death of a nation, battle lines, life fucker, death by horse, the photo atlas, rescuer, the tacks, muskets, hendekagon, monument to thieves, in my eyes, Balance and Composure, all dinosaurs, granny's little bakery, the past haunts, no better, lilac queen, nathan ellis, the shakespearean frog, snarling clearing, szondi test, wharf rats, atlantic/pacific, new world man, ghost robot ninja bear, olehole, animals that swim, drew thomson,