bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

apocalyptic+flesh+machine — similar artists: armed love militia, MYRUIN, tura satana, tairrie b, Marilyn Manson, dog fashion disco, polkadot cadaver, blue ant, darkness calling, exemia, silence in machine, ok putrid, apocalyptic flesh machine, bow ever down, Cincinnatus C, pregnant spore, not my god, Goatwhore, the lvrs, widow's bath, dementia and hope trails, sever the servants, abbey death, pyrrhik-ash vs silence in machine, silence in machine vs bow ever down, justin marc lloyd, prosthetic patient, summore, the bohorquez/balogh project, orange shit ball/pregnant spore/1+1=a window, moscow wires, simian washboard, ghost volcano/divine shell, justin marc lloyd/thief, brandon marshall, water bullet, regospore, kilgore trout/false flag, justin marc lloyd/pregnant spore, dim dusk moving gloom, juice machine/pcrv, cincinnatus c/justin marc lloyd, JML, astro/&+nundata, divine shell/justin marc lloyd, collapsed arc/justin marc lloyd, summon thrull, white dog/pregnant spore, spitting ladyladys/bacteria earth, npv, gaybomb, false flag/scant/whitewater orgasm, inappropriate king live/scant, divine shell/false flag, j. marcloid, boar/justin marc lloyd/breakdancing ronald reagan, juice machine/path to lobster believers,